1930 – Times crosswords

Please note that this is a historical record and some clues may appear offensive to modern eyes. You will doubtless observe too that definitions, or indeed part-definitions were a secondary concern to the compiler in those far-flung days! Only in extreme cases will I exercise a little editorial discretion, or if they are totally incongruous to a modern reader, I’ve placed a suitable alternative but in the same style. Most clues come from February editions, and remember these are my Top Ten and intentionally range between those that may inspire, such as this in Crossword no. 1,567 from 1935 ▬ The first is played by mouth, the second and whole by hand (5,4) TRUMP CARD ▬  to the occasionally dire! – DA

1. Saturday, February 1st

Crossword 1, 38 Across: This elephant has lost his head (4) UMBO

2. Thursday, February 6th

Crossword 5, 31 Down:
Has driven many a good man to drink (6) THIRST

3. Monday, February 17th

Crossword 14, 16 Across:
Proust produces this if mis-read (6) STUPOR

4. Wednesday, February 19th

Crossword 16, 1 Across:
Theirs is a sort of pillar-to-post existence (7) POSTMEN

5. Tuesday, March 18th

Crossword 39, 25 Across:
This causes the sort of catch you would rather miss (5) VIRUS

6. Wednesday, April 2nd

Crossword 52, 1 Across:
Dervish becomes absolved here (7) SHRIVED

7. Tuesday, April 15th

Crossword 63, 4 Down:
In spite of appearances at the outset he’s liable to hit the rocks (7) FOUNDER

8. Friday, May 2nd

Crossword 77, 38 Down:
These birds may be found by beheading a founder (4) EMUS

9. Tuesday, May 20th

Crossword 92, 26 Down:
This tumbler might rob a cat (7) ACROBAT

10. Friday, May 23rd

Crossword 95, 1 Across:
This store expects what a gardener does to seed bags (5) DEPOT

Letters to the Editor, Friday May 30th 1930

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