Sunday, 15th December 2024, see my latest comments under EXTRA.
Sunday, 20th October, 2024 together with footnote condemning the ICC for its outrageous condemnation of Netanyahu. Well done, Netanyahu, keep your good work up and drag people to the Peace table, for a just Peace with Honour, all that any sensibly-minded person wants!
Today we are on 363,824 visits as our readership continues to expand rapidly.
Hybrids everywhere should be the order of the day and, let’s face it, that thinking has already saved us from the added burden of nuclear war! AI can also bring much health and happiness to our world if employed with moderation and responsibility.
NATO must treat Ukraine as one of theirs come what may, if adjoining NATO states are to be safe from Russian invasion and Canada needs to pay her dues like every other member.
My prayers are, and will always be for the children and elderly infirm who are forced to suffer senseless barbarism as a result of all the present turmoil, as well as for the aid workers and medics caught in the cross fire. Cool heads are called for in this time of crisis for ALL adversaries.
Our fragile existence must ensure that war as we know it, becomes a luxury no one can afford to risk if our entire planet is to be saved from irreversible devastation. Instead why don’t we all unite, or agree politely, to disagree in the face of a large meteorite shower (just starting but at intensity in 2027, I understand!). Listen to our children the world over, and help war become an experience of the past, to be replaced with brotherhood and sisterhood for all man and womankind and everything between! Make love, not war! and heed Voltaire! Nous devons cultiver notre jardin d’abord!!
However, let us never forget our past and our family sacrifices and contributions alongside the Newfoundlanders and the Anzacs and South Africans in two world wars and beyond fighting for Britain and our loved ones. Seems history is repeating itself sadly along with horrendous trench warfare stories in Ukraine. Enough! Grow up increasingly fragile world.

Monday, 15th January saw Sweden in pole position with 700 from Stockholm along with Albania equally on 700, where on 4th March 1941 against a lonely Albanian mountainside my 23 year old Australian uncle, RAF and Australian Ace 39967 Flight Lieutenant, Richard Nigel ‘Ape’ Cullen, DFC and Bar met his end in his Hawker Hurricane as 2nd i/c to Pat Pattle South African Ace DFC and Bar, defending a Royal Navy Convoy off Corfu against far superior Axis forces.
We face a similar threat today it seems from a Russia which conveniently forgets their allies saved them from annihilation by Hitler’s Nazi forces back in WW2 thanks to the Baltic Convoys to Archangelsk, the name given too to our pocket battleship HMS Royal Sovereign loaned to Stalin and his navy by Churchill to accompany those convoys in the summer of 1941 post demise of the Bismarck.
We know this because I unearthed the above * spy Times crossword from 4th June 1941, – Wikipedia’s version is utter fiction because a dated and numbered Times crossword tells no lies – bearing Royal Sovereign’s name in 1941 not 1942! which had it been published when submitted could have alerted Nazi Germany with disastrous consequences with 2 British ships targeted, one a troopship in the evacuation of Crete, Stirling Castle, and the other HMS Royal Sovereign, newly equipped with the latest anti-submarine tech courtesy of the USA and Rosyth shipyards.
We must resist again it seems, thanks to odious adherents to Nazi Europe. Wake up, Europe and America! Once bitten was enough! Make Ukraine a member of NATO immediately! Show the Bear we mean business without Putin who is now threatening a nuclear confrontation in the hope America will not dare intervene! and give support to wise people like Lars Rasmussen of Denmark, and all the heads of the Baltic States. NATO must be strong again, and hopefully with full US backing and with extreme urgency, only then will we be respected.
If Trump, heaven forbid, gets the White House, he must realise that a state of war is what Putin wants with his latest atrocities and threats to the Baltic nations, and if Trump supports him in any way, he must face dire consequences. He is right about one thing though, all NATO members must pay equal dues, or risk becoming targets for extremists. A doubling of the dues by all members will signal to those members that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation remains a force to be reckoned with.
Well done Lars Rasmussen, of Denmark, you courageous man. Would there were many more like you. Viva Ukraine! Long live World Peace and Free uninhibited Trade between nations along with the removal of the measly cartels imposed by the super rich on all of us presently. Take note, Canada, in particular!
* As archivist of The Times crossword, I am familiar with the house grids as opposed those of contributors. Most are innocent whereas others reveal sensitive information, operating to a code as to be recognisable to alien forces. Being the sole remaining TC Archivist, I recognise immediately unrecognised grids, always a good starting point!
I have unearthed three definites and this one was the most sensational, witness my detailed Introduction under War Years. Clue in question to Puzzle number 3,518 of June 4, 1941: 8 dn: Game which should make “The Royal Sovereign” secure in all respects (5,3,6) CROWN AND ANCHOR message to mini subs to sink her in her newfound name anchorage and harbour Archangelsk. Crossword received 29th May, published 4th June by which time the harbour defences had been alerted! Thank goodness for British queues! In that selfsame crossword, if further proof were needed, we also have 7 dn: Flying fortress? (8,6) STIRLING CASTLE emphasis on the question mark, with thousands of troops aboard evacuating Crete for the relative safety of Alexandria! by the time this crossword was published that golden opportunity for the Luftwaffe had been lost. Hitler was more preoccupied with Barbarossa and the imminent invasion of Russia!
I am resolved now to concentrate on the Here and Now in 2024 with superlative efforts from some countries but not others. I welcome representatives of any nation on this Earth that does not support terrorists or genocidal maniacs, and respectful of our fragile Earth, women’s rights to equality and respect, and where peace and harmony and truly international cooperation is patently absent at present from its husbandry.
The NEW Times Jumbo Crossword Challenges
Respectful that I must not promote these Jumbos using the Times masthead unless authorised, I have adopted my own masthead, Nital, which I designed and copyrighted for my earlier creation, a Latin based crossword which swiftly expanded to include other European languages and I will, of course, limit AI assistance by my own design to ensure the sanctity of the joint copyright on original 27 x 27 grids, designed by me and my father which I share with Times On-Line and the new man at the helm, Mr Lachlan Murdoch, whose enlightened 21st century vision for service to all TOL subscribers keen to preserve a wonderful newspaper, I continue to fully support. After eleven earlier successful Shakespeare plays courtesy of AI and some sort of magic dust to keep me reindeer worthy! I prodly present Twelfth Night commencing today Sunday 15th December and concluding Sunday 5th January 2025. Happy puzzling!
Go to:
David Akenhead CEO Akenhead crosswords under licence from Times Newspapers UK Ltd
Feel free to browse my News article and the stand I have chosen to take in support of fellow disadvantaged authors and artists and actors worldwide.
I have reopened my free samples in my Library on this website especially my Games! and some choice crosswords! Enjoy!
My regular News editorials elaborate what is fair play for me, speaking reams of earlier happier days, as Peter Brookes does with his wonderful regular cartoons in The Times – DA
We were wrong, Charity Commission tells ousted actors
My comment in UK Times – 13th January 2024
My comment and feedback in Saturday’s UK Times (amended) – 25th November 2023
Posted comment in The Times of Saturday, 4th November
Aside my token requests to restore my Jumbo royalties with whatever I am due, and my former title at The Times, I’d like to promote the Sun crossword titles again in digital format, as inventor of The Sun Computer Crosswords and long time Proofs Editor of their crossword books. The Times Archive too is in sore need of updating from the bi-centenary of the paper, now fast approaching 250 years!
Finally, since the phenomenal surge in interest in my work from 30th December onwards, I have decided that I will only display nations’ flags henceforth, if the combined presence on my website for the day’s entry registers 1,000 visits or more.
August 2024
25th August – with 1,216 Visits (12 hours)
April 2024
5th April – with 1,615 Visits (12 hours)
February 2024
20th February – with 4,238 Visits (12 hours)
January 2024
Sun 28th January – with 2,011 Visits (12 hours)
War has overnight become a luxury of the past and we need to think 21st century now. Only the combined brains of this world from every single nation can safeguard our increasingly fragile eco-structure. Our late Queen made a memorable start with her Commonwealth tree-planting initiative. In support of which, this too from the late great founder of our crossword, Adrian Bell:
The oldest profession? (9) GARDENING says it all really, that and celebrating our humanity through sport in all its noblest aspirations. Well done, Prince Harry, for the vets. Your courage in the field too is legend!
1 ac. In order of celebration, the ayes have it, it seems! (4,5,4,2) GOOD QUEEN BESS II
1 ac. Silvery-white Ode to Joy, 21st Century style! (8,7) PLATINUM JUBILEE
At the outbreak of World War 2, our beloved Queen Elizabeth was a 14 year old Princess along with her joie de vivre 11 year old sister, Princess Margaret,
both facing an uncertain life ahead but with a sense of duty and devotion to their country reflected in their father King George VI and their own broadcasts to the children in England separated from their families, rather similar to families in Ukraine today, conveying encouragement and hope; but young Elizabeth wanted to go further and by her 18th birthday had persuaded her father that she wished to join the ATS and do her bit for the war effort at their HQ in Aldershot near Windsor Castle.
So it was in autumn 1944 that she met my mother, Angela, and my godmother Stella Cody as she later became, who had both joined the service earlier, and who now acquainted Princess Elizabeth with the business of both driving and servicing Army ambulances, both already well aquainted with their nightly missions of tending in low visibility to the devastation, wounded and dying from London’s Blitz. Below pictures of my mother in 1940 as a young Corporal, after enlisting in the ATS on her 21st birthday, with a troupe of dedicated, selfless, quiet and truly heroic army girls and nurses, culminating in 1944 elevated to Captain, with Stella, by this time her staff sergeant i/c driving lessons, both charged with assisting the young princess in familiarising her and her vehicle with basic mechanics on the one hand, and manoeuvring it in blackout conditions, on the other, both of which she accomplished the following year with flying colours!
Also my father below, an RAF pilot and glider pilot in the newly formed AAC who she met in a pub in 1944 – promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, Edmund Akenhead TD by war end.
‘You can’t be a beacon if your light don’t shine. There’s a little light in all of us by God’s design’ Marty Cooper and Donna Fargo USA
Restoration of my late father, Edmund Akenhead’s Arms, pursuant to Queen Victoria’s Amnesty to landed Scottish families post Culloden (ours a Sept of Gordon) and graciously granted to my father and his descendants in perpetuity by Queen Elizabeth the Second and the College of Arms on the 31st October 1989.
Witness below, a handful of clues including our treasured national institution (apart from the tea!), namely our beloved Times crossword, stemming from its inception some ninety-three years ago! Remainder can be found in my new AZ Sketches by DA (courtesy of Boz!).
Her attachment to Poe makes her also write verse (4) TESS
Saw one of the team off then? (5) TENON
There’s no limit to what a sick kangaroo will do (9) BOUNDLESS
Unsuitable entertainment for Father’s Day? (3,8) POP FESTIVAL
Conference material? Impressive! (5) SATIN
Here’s one from my latest challenge with explanation:
Antonio’s key impediment to happiness and peace of mind? (2,4,2,1,8,5-3,6) TO HARP ON A DREAMFUL LOOSE-END MECCAN besotted with Bassanio as a lover, and envious of his bi-sexual nature and losing him to Portia who finds Bassanio’s bravado in hanging the expense, irresistible too in his imaginary pilgrimage to Mecca! D. Akenhead and here’s another!
House séance disturbing (6) ENCASE
What Peter Brookes renders to The Times in pictures, we cryptic wallahs attempt in words!
“Madam, I’m Adam” — the world’s first? (10) PALINDROME fits as does (4-2-4) CHAT-UP-LINE
Inevitable response to that, of course is:
Madam? EVE! (mad am!!) (5,8) CHAIN REACTION
Bowler seen at Dover – and at Boulogne (6)
Vma Nair a cricket authority in India, got it, and as I remarked to him, a bit tongue in cheek!
Vma Nair to
David Akenhead more clues please
Short ball and extended dance, paradoxically (4,3)
Visits to date over 3,000 (24 hours)
Thu 1st February 2024 8,676
Wed 31st January 2024 7,346
Mon 8th January 2024 7,134
Tue 30th January 2024 6,075
Mon 20th February 2024 6,006
Wed 10th January 2024 5,693
Wed 24th January 2024 5,039
Wed 21st February 2024 4,833
Mon 29th January 2024 4,326
Tue 9th January 2024 4,301
Tue 23rd January 2024 4,206
Sat 24th February 2024 3,869
Tue 16th January 2024 3,759
Sun 25th February 2024 3,742
Sun 18th February 2024 3,687
Mon 15th January 2024 3,681
Sun 7th January 2024 3,574
Sat 17th February 2024 3,395
Sun 4th February 2024 3,386
Thu 22nd February 2024 3,152
Sun 11th February 2024 3,039
Sat 10th February 2024 3,001
Interesting article by my father for Times News, the House Journal of Times Newspapers, February 1976 Edition where he indulges his readers in the mathematical intricacies of a Mastermind competition in which he was an entrant – father was very much into code-breaking in his War years, and as usual, a master of understatement.
As a quiet multi-lingual RAF rudimentary test fighter pilot earlier, he also later flew light aircraft low at night under radar behind enemy lines. I only gleaned this information at the very end of his life in a 5 hour game of chess (which he eventually won instinctively on close to empty!) on enquiring about his TD when he brushed off landing his glider and troop plus jeep 50 miles behind enemy lines prior to the Rhine crossings as nothing much really, and in any case something he had done before at night and in a much lighter aircraft, a Lysander, in more challenging circumstances!
The headline and the signature are adequate evidence of the veritas without any need for the interim RTP or QED!
23rd out of an original field of 800 plus, wasn’t bad going!
Looking on the bright side (and not new), Pimm’s No. 1 time in order! (8) OPTIMISM
And on that note perhaps it’s worth observing that my Chinese following probably comes from Yunnan and Guangdong, and Hong Kong. In Yunnan, Li Jiang in 2007 I was deputy to Verle Ackerstaffe at the Cambridge International Language school where we taught English and Drama to neigbouring students from China, the Himalayas, Tibet and Burma, having taught earlier in Guangdong Province, China, too.
My Russian following stems from my successful Sunday Times Crossword Compendium, where in Moscow for an entire year in 1996 we were featured in their Games and Puzzles Top Ten.
And my Singapore following, undoubtedly stems from my earlier days with Harper Collins, and my visit there in 2002 promoting my computer crosswords alongside the crossword books through their agent in Borders, US booksellers, established across Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and my friendship with Allan Wong and his wife Mei Chan both prominent in the modern Singapore (as well as in India) where they were most gracious hosts to me and my daughter, Charlotte, in the early millennium.
States, Nations and Dependencies (195) contrasted with Visits.
Total to date |
85,883 |
363,828 |
Wise words from a beacon of light in a troubled world:
“Come in I’ll give ya shelter, shelter from the storm” Bob Dylan, 18th September 1974
David Akenhead, CEO Akenhead crosswords, Sunday, 15th December, 2024
Views: 511